XaviVerso has sold over 170,000 books worldwide

The XaviVerso team is pleased to announce that more than 170,000 readers have already been surprised by the books of the writer Xavier Marcé. The Mark of Odin saga is the main protagonist of this milestone, although the thrillers The Stone Lotus and Yes, They Will Pass, now also in English, contribute every month to attract new readers from all over the world.

Los libros del xaviverso superan los 170.000 lectores en todo el mundo.

“Reaching this milestone after the launch of the English editions of ‘The Stone Lotus’ and ‘Yes, They Will Pass‘ this past summer is a strong endorsement to continue working on this transmedia editorial and literary project,” said author Xavier Marcé. “I am convinced that with the future launch of the English editions of the rest of the ‘Mark of Odin‘ books we will be able to reach many more readers.”

If you want to join the readers who already enjoy the XaviVerso books, all you have to do is purchase their collector’s editions, either in paperback or digital, in our store.


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